Listening Post concerning the Fall Schedule

June 2022

19jun10:00 am11:00 amListening Post concerning the Fall Schedule

Event Details

Thanks to those of you who have filled out a survey about your family’s Sunday experience since we started back with in-person worship and faith formation! We appreciate the responses. If you haven’t already filled out the survey, please use the link to fill it out. We particularly need more responses from families with children and teens. In addition to the survey, listening posts will be held on June 19 and June 26 following both worship services (approximately 10:00 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. each week). We’ll discuss preliminary survey results, and in particular, faith formation for various ages and the overlap of faith formation classes and worship services. Come join us in Rudisill Hall and provide your input!

Form link



(Sunday) 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Rudisill Hall & Zoom

Online Event Details

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