Congregational Care Ministry
In times of crisis, change, joy, and sorrow, the sharing and bearing of burdens is facilitated through our Congregational Care Ministry. Redeemer members, with the help of the pastoral staff, care for one another in a variety of ways.
Neighborhood Vineyard Ministry
The newest component of our Congregational Care Ministry at Redeemer is our Vineyard ministry. Congregation members are assigned to a Vineyard based upon their geographic location. Leaders help to ensure that congregational care needs are met in situations of illness, loss, or crisis. If you have questions about the Vineyard ministry, please contact Pastor Jenny McLellan at To find your Vineyard leader log into Realm here or via the Realm Connect app on your smartphone.

Prayer Ministry
Each week a team of faithful friends pray for concerns and joys requested during worship or received during the week. When and how a prayer team member chooses to pray is up to them. We welcome new members to the prayer team. Contact Pastor Jenny to join.
Visitation Ministers
The community of the congregation is shared through the regular visits and calls of trained visitation ministers to those in our congreagation who are unable to attend worship. These visitation ministers share Holy Communion if desired. Contact Pastor Jenny if you or someone you know would like a visit. If you would like to be a volunteer in this special ministry, let Pastor Jenny know.
Stephen Ministry
Some of life’s challenges such as divorce, grief, long-term care giving, chronic disease, or other life transition need the support of a trained spiritual friend. A Stephen Minister assigned to you by a pastor will walk with you, listen to you, and pray with you for a period of several weeks. Together you will seek to discern God’s loving and strengthening presence with you. Stephen Ministers hold all conversations in strictest confidence, as is your participation as a care receiver. Redeemer’s team of Stephen Ministers work with Pastor Jenny. Let her know if you would like to know more about becoming a Stephen Minister or if you believe you could benefit from a relationship with one. Oni Borchers and Sharon Jeffries are the Stephen Leaders for the ministry. Our other Stephen Ministers are Ed Kuehn, Oscar Dela Cruz, Jeanne Merritt, Jojo Nelson, John Russell, Marlit Hayslett, and Kay Sins.
Grief Ministry
Grief support groups are held periodically throughout the year. Congregation members who have lost a family member receive printed resources about grief and bereavement. If you need support as you grieve, please contact Pastor Jenny.
On Call Pastoral Care
In case of an emergency such as a hospitalization or a death, please call a pastor at 404.874.9759. Please leave a message and a pastor will respond promptly. It’s a good idea to save this number in your telephone contacts.