Becoming a Member

Please fill out the new member interest form below so that we can plan for your class attendance.
Fall 2024 Class
Beginning October 20, 2024, 10 AM
All those interested in learning more about Lutheran theology, the history of Redeemer, and joining Redeemer are invited to join Pr. Ruth Hamilton and John Garrigan for a 6-week class.
Several times throughout the year, Redeemer hosts classes for people seeking more information about the Lutheran faith and for those who wish to transfer their church membership to Redeemer.
This series of classes is designed to acquaint participants with the principal teachings of our faith. Additionally, the classes serve as an introduction to Redeemer and its many ministries and opportunities to get involved right from the beginning. Classes will feature presentations by multiple pastors as well as lay leaders at Redeemer.
New members do not have to be “raised Lutheran” or have belonged to a Lutheran church (or any church) in the past. You can join by affirmation of faith. If you have not been baptized, a pastor will be delighted to talk to you about baptism in conjunction with joining Redeemer.
New members at Redeemer are assigned “Shepherds” whose job it is to help new members become fully engaged in the life of Redeemer. Shepherds are volunteers who are intentionally matched with new members based on shared experiences and interests.
For more information about becoming a member of Redeemer, please contact Pastor Mark H. Larson, our Senior Pastor.