Midtown Clothing Drive for LCFM
Your purchases of new winter clothing from a special Amazon Wish List will be given to our LCFM neighbors.
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Weekly Devotion
Christ is working in each of us to sustain us, to help us sustain each other until we are able to gather again until we achieved peace and justice throughout [...]
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Weekly Devotion
So in the midst of my rebellion, I yielded and surrendered to God's Call on my life.
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Weekly Devotion
Then the one who had received the one talent also came forward, saying, 'Master, I knew that you were a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering [...]
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Building & Worship Protocols during COVID-19
Read Redeemer's Building and Worship Protocols applicable during COVID-19.
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Harvest Home Concert Available
Presenting a Midtown Thanksgiving classic in our 2020 context.
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November 2020 Newsletter
Read our November 2020 Newsletter to find out the latest news about Redeemer.
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Weekly Devotion
Therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that [...]
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Monster Mash and PipeScreams Organ Concert
Halloween fun and S P O O K Y tunes to delight kids and kids at heart.
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Choose Redeemer for AmazonSmile
Do you regularly shop on Amazon? If so, you can designate Redeemer under AmazonSmiles.
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