Author: Pastor Mark Larson

Weekly Devotion
...we begin a five-week exploration of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, in which Jesus announces he is the bread of life
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Weekly Devotion
Much of lives seem to be spent trying to resolve the tension between zero-sum conflicts by choosing one over the other.  Yet all of this operates with the assumption that [...]
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Weekly Devotion
A day of prayer: for people of all faiths (or no faith at all), a time of prayer, meditation, or reflection on the stillness of armistice, so that the days [...]
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Weekly Devotion
"Hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit."
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Weekly Devotion
...the mystery of our three-in-one God
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Weekly Devotion
The gospel begins with Jesus saying that he will prepare a place for each one of us.
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Weekly Devotion
The truth is, we can no more plan or control our mountaintop times with God than we can stay there forever, as much as we think we would like to.
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Weekly Devotion
“Who among you would say to your slave who has just come in from plowing or tending sheep in the field, ‘Come here at once and take your place at [...]
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