SC Post Block

United States : Main: Florida - List: Florida

Weekly Devotion
...we begin a five-week exploration of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, in which Jesus announces he is the bread of life
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Friends and Family Concert
Announcing the 2024-25 Concert Series Opening Event Friends and Family Concert | Sunday, August 25, 2 PM
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United States : Main: Florida - List: Californida

Friends and Family Concert
Announcing the 2024-25 Concert Series Opening Event Friends and Family Concert | Sunday, August 25, 2 PM
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Weekly Devotion
Much of lives seem to be spent trying to resolve the tension between zero-sum conflicts by choosing one over the other.  Yet all of this operates with the assumption that [...]
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United States : Main: California - List: Florida

Weekly Devotion
...we begin a five-week exploration of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, in [...]
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Friends and Family Concert
Announcing the 2024-25 Concert Series Opening Event Friends and Family Concert | Sunday, August 25, [...]
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Weekly Devotion
Much of lives seem to be spent trying to resolve the tension between zero-sum conflicts [...]
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United States : Main: California - List: California

Weekly Devotion
...we begin a five-week exploration of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, in which Jesus announces he is the bread of life
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Friends and Family Concert
Announcing the 2024-25 Concert Series Opening Event Friends and Family Concert | Sunday, August 25, 2 PM
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Weekly Devotion
Much of lives seem to be spent trying to resolve the tension between zero-sum conflicts by choosing one over the other.  Yet all of this operates with the assumption that there is only a finite [...]
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United States : Main: Georgia - List: California

Weekly Devotion
...we begin a five-week exploration of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, in which Jesus announces he is the bread of life
Friends and Family Concert
Announcing the 2024-25 Concert Series Opening Event Friends and Family Concert | Sunday, August 25, 2 PM
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Weekly Devotion
Much of lives seem to be spent trying to resolve the tension between zero-sum conflicts by choosing one over the other.  Yet all of this operates with the assumption that there is only a finite [...]
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United States : Main: Georgia - List: Florida

Weekly Devotion
...we begin a five-week exploration of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, in which Jesus announces he is the bread of life
Friends and Family Concert
Announcing the 2024-25 Concert Series Opening Event Friends and Family Concert | Sunday, August 25, 2 PM
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Weekly Devotion
Much of lives seem to be spent trying to resolve the tension between zero-sum conflicts by choosing one over the other.  Yet all of this operates with the assumption that [...]
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United Kingdom : London ( 1 Column )

Weekly Devotion
...we begin a five-week exploration of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, in which Jesus announces he is the bread of life
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Friends and Family Concert
Announcing the 2024-25 Concert Series Opening Event Friends and Family Concert | Sunday, August 25, 2 PM
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Weekly Devotion
Much of lives seem to be spent trying to resolve the tension between zero-sum conflicts by choosing one over the other.  Yet all of this operates with the assumption that there is only a finite amount of resources in the [...]
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United Kingdom : London ( 2 Column )

Weekly Devotion
...we begin a five-week exploration of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, in [...]
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Friends and Family Concert
Announcing the 2024-25 Concert Series Opening Event Friends and Family Concert | Sunday, August 25, [...]
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Weekly Devotion
Much of lives seem to be spent trying to resolve the tension between zero-sum conflicts [...]
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United Kingdom : Harrogate

Weekly Devotion
...we begin a five-week exploration of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, in [...]
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Friends and Family Concert
Announcing the 2024-25 Concert Series Opening Event Friends and Family Concert | Sunday, August 25, [...]
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Weekly Devotion
Much of lives seem to be spent trying to resolve the tension between zero-sum conflicts [...]
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