Thank you for your support of Redeemer’s Missions and Ministries!
My Pledge: 2024 And/Or 2025
Throughout the Fall, we are asking for your pledge of commitment for 2025 – and for the rest of 2024 – to help us continue to serve our congregation and community boldly – especially for those who depend on us for so much.
It’s not too late to pledge for 2024!
We still have needs!
New to Redeemer? Able to make an increased or special offering in the final months of 2024? Go ahead. pledge it now! And help us make up any end-of-year shortfall or help our Food Ministry guests get through the holidays.
How? Select “Regular Operating Jan – Dec 2024” from the Pledge Campaign list in Realm – or indicate on your Pledge form
4 Ways to Pledge

Complete and mail the Estimate of Giving card to Redeemer from the stewardship packet you received in the mail.
Send an email to Brandon Davis at with your pledge amount by the week, month, or for the year.
If you have created a Realm account and have downloaded the Realm Connect app to your smartphone, you easily can enter your pledge via the Realm Connect app. Once logged in the app, select Giving at the bottom of the screen. When that opens, select Pledges from the top of the phone screen. Then Tap or Click the Make a Pledge button and select a campaign (fund).
Haven’t logged in to Realm yet? Email Robin Durdin at to receive an invite to your personal page. Once you’ve established a Realm log in, then you download the Realm Connect App to your smartphone.
Sign in to the Member Portal (Realm) using the button below. You can pledge right from your personal giving page. Once you are signed in, click on Giving on the left-hand side of the computer screen. On the Giving Page, look for the grey Pledge box located toward the top of the screen directly under word Giving.
Haven’t logged in to Realm yet? Email Robin Durdin at to receive an invite to your personal page.
Read more about the power your pledge and gift has at Redeemer in our brochure below. Won’t you make your pledge today?
We thank you for your continued faithfulness and support for Lutheran Church of the Redeemer!

Introducing a new way to give online at Redeemer:
Redeemer has now partnered with to make it easier to give from your computer, tablet, and smartphone by tapping/clicking the GIVE button below.
Tap or click the GIVE button
to Submit your gift or offering

*Please note for regular or recurring gifts, Redeemer will notify you when your account has been migrated to the new service. You will be asked to go online to verify your information at that time. We are doing this to ensure there is no interruption in your giving and provide the highest level of security.
Once switched, you will complete all of your transactions and view your online statements through the new service. Look for upcoming information and help sessions to make this switchover as seamless and easy as possible!
We hope you find it even easier than before to submit your gifts and offerings. Thank you for your support of Redeemer’s Missions and Ministries!
Having problems accessing your account? What to change your recurring gift amount or schedule?
Don't have a profile yet? Register and you'll be able to manage your payment methods, contact information, pledges, recurring gifts and more!